By Neeraj Saluja
Constructors are very useful but only and only if we are aware of the best way
to use it for a requirement. One need to be sure of the input that has be given
to the constructor and the way the class is supposed to be used. Some of the
vast variety of design pattern suggests the usage of Constructors in smart way.
A Contructor can thus play a vital role in defining the behavior of the
class. Let us have a detailed look at couple of scenarios how the
usage of Constructors in smart way can be helpful.
Singleton Pattern
Singleton Pattern is one of the most talked about design pattern. It says that
a given class can have at the most one instance at any given moment of time.
Such a class which ensure that it has only one instance is called Singleton
class. Well, it does not limit the simultaneous use of the single instance -
more than one handle ( reference) to the same instance of the singleton class
can persist simultaneouly.
Let us see how this can be achieved by using constuctors effectively.
public class Singleton {
static Singleton instance; private
string m_city; //
Note the private constructor. You can not directly create the instance of this class
private Singleton()
public string City
get {return m_city;}
public static Singleton GetSingletonObject()
// Use 'Lazy initialization'
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
public void ChangeCityName(string newCityName)
m_city = newCityName;
The object of the above class cannot be created directly as it has got just
private constructor. But still this class Singleton can be used effectively
with the help of the static method - GetSingletonObject. In the class we
hold the reference of its own object in the variable "instance". In
the GetSingletonObject method we first deternmine whether the instance of the
class has been previously created and exist or not. If not we create the
instance using the code "instance = new Singleton();" and return that
instance object to the caller. The caller gets the reference to the only object
( Singleton ). When another request to GetSingletonObject comes
up, it returns the already instantiated instance.
Let us see how it works
// Getting the Singleton instance of the class
Singleton obj1 = Singleton.GetSingletonObject();
// Changing the property using the public method.
// Getting the handle of the same instance at another place
Singleton obj2 = Singleton.GetSingletonObject();
// Using the public property
It returns "Bangalore" on the Console Output Screen.
Key Notes for such implementation :
Use private or protected constructor to ensure that the object of the class
cannot be instantiated directly.
Though you have not created the instance of the class, you can
still access the public methods of the class with the instance
which was created internally.
Note that you do not have any public no-parameter (default)
constructor but still "instance = new Singleton();" works perfectly fine.
Copy Constructor
C# does not provide the copy constructor by default. So if you want to have the
identical copy of the object having the same values for properties and member
variables as the existing object, then you need to write the method by
yourself. Either you can do it by writing a seperate method Or you can do
that by a Copy Constructor.
Let us see how it works
public class Employee
public string name;
public string city;
public Employee()
// Copy constructor.
public Employee(Employee emp)
name =;
city =;
// Instance constructor.
public Employee(string name, string city)
{ = name; = city;
// Get Details
public string Details
return name + " is from " + city.ToString();
Note the copy constructor of Employee above. It takes instance of the Employee
class as an input and after creating the new instance copies the values of
the member variable (of emp1) to the member variable of new instance
(emp2) of Employee.
Employee emp1 = new Employee("Harry","Austin,TX");
Employee emp2 = new Employee(emp1); = "Tony";
The output of the above code would be
Harry is from Austin,TX
Tony is from Austin,TX
Key Notes for such implementation :
Copy works on value and not reference
Conclusion :
Constructors can play a vital role in class design and
implementation, if used appropriately. There are quite a few design patterns
like Singleton Pattern which can be achieved by using the Constructors
effectively. Constructors are one of the basic feature of any language and
available to us to get exploited, the challenge lies in
determining the suitable design to cater the business requirement. This article
is focused on implementing Constructors to address requirements, to have a
overview of Constructors please go through the article An
Intro to Constructors in C#
References :
For Singleton Pattern :
In case of any queries/issues/concerns, feel free to post them or mail me at
Happy Reading... Enjoy... Thanks